
The APIs provided by ampls:: can be used in three ways (Structure); each has its own advantages and drawbacks:

  • Generic usage: using only functions available in the base classes, the same code can be reused to implement solver-independent logic. To support this type of usage, the class GenericCallback is provided (cpp, python), deriving which a solver-independent callback can be defined.

  • Solver specific usage: using the additional functions provided by each solver implementation, the code can be used only with one solver

  • Solver native usage: a subcase of the case above: each solver-specific model class provides access to the native C model object, on which all the C solver libraries functionalities can be used

This section will present the C++ syntax corresponding to each level, using gurobi as an example; the first steps (getting an instance of the ampls::GurobiModel class) are the same for each usage type and will not be repeated:

ampls::GurobiDrv drv = ampls::GurobiDrv()
ampls::GurobiModel model = drv.loadModel("")


Getting the objective value relies on the function ampls::AMPLModel::getObj(), therefore the following code is valid for each derived class (solver):

double obj = model.getObj()

Solver specific

In this case, we rely on the function ampls::GurobiModel::getDoubleAttr(), which is available only for gurobi:

double obj = model.getDoubleAttr(GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL)

Solver native

Here we gain access to the native C pointer and use the solver’s C library to access the same value:

GRBmodel* grbm = model.getGRBmodel()
double obj;
int status = GRBgetdblattr(grbm, name, &obj);

If we used CPLEX, the code would be relying on the CPLEX C library:

// model would be an ampl::CPLEXModel here
double obj;
int status = CPXgetobjval(model.getCPXENV(), model.getCPXLP(), &obj);